Characteristics of Polypterus and how to keep them

Polypterus is a tropical fish belonging to the family Polypteridae of the order Polypteridae and native to the Congo River, which flows through the Republic of Congo in Central Africa. In this article, I would like to explain in detail the characteristics of Polypterus and how to keep them.

What is Polypterus?


Polypterus is a tropical fish in the Polypteridae family of the order Polypteridae. Polypterus originate from the Congo River (Zaire River), which flows through the Republic of Congo in Central Africa.The body color of Polypterus varies from species to species. Details of each type are described in the following sections. Polypterus has an elongated body shape and a flattened head. They have diamond-shaped scales covered with dentin and enamel, known as "ganoin scales. Polypterus is also famous as an ancient fish because it has survived, unaltered, since the "Devonian" period, when dinosaurs and other animals inhabited the area.

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How to keep Polypterus

Polypterus will be an easy variety to keep. Polypterus life span is about 8-15 years. Their body size ranges from about 30 to 100 cm. However, both lifespan and body size vary depending on the environment in which they are kept and the food they are fed. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Polypterus is classified as a tropical fish, so if you keep it in Japan, it will need a heater in winter.

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Polypterus species

Polypterus endrikeri


Polypterus endrikeri has a distinctive brown body color with thick black stripes. It has a head that is slightly smaller than its body and rises toward the back. This species has long been popularly known as the "endorchesteri. Among Polypterus species, it is the most likely species to be handled by specialty stores, so you will have many chances to see this species.

bichir (Polypterus senegalus)


Polypterus senegalus is a small species with a body length of only about 30-50 cm. It is also a variety that is less difficult to obtain and is more likely to be handled by specialty stores. It has been known as "Senegalus" for a long time. Polypterus senegalus can be purchased at relatively low prices among ancient fish, so many people keep it as an introductory species to ancient fish.

Points to keep in mind when mixing swimmers


Polypterus is a docile fish. However, Polypterus is indifferent to individuals that do not fit in its mouth, but if there is an individual that fits in its mouth, it will be eaten.Large fish such as arowanas are recommended for mixing with polypterus. Care should be taken when mixing polypterus with plecos, as they may swim in the same area, and there is a high possibility that they will fight.

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Points about spawning

Many people who keep Polypterus want to breed them. Breeding Polypterus is difficult. However, this does not mean that it is impossible, as there are examples of breeding in aquariums. First, the most important factor in breeding Polypterus is the breeding season. In the wild, Polypterus breeds during the rainy season. This means that the conditions of the rainy season must be reproduced in the aquarium. A simulated environment can be reproduced by changing a large amount of water and lowering the water temperature.Once the environment is set up, the male Polypterus pursues and stimulates the female, and when it receives eggs from the female, it catches and fertilizes them in the concave portion of its rump fins. Polypterus spawn by scattering the fertilized eggs, so it is necessary to cover the area with algae or other material so that the eggs can be caught. Polypterus lay 10 to 100 eggs in a single spawning. After spawning, the eggs hatch in about 3-5 days. When the fry are ready to swim, feed them brine shrimp, etc.

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What to look for when keeping Polypterus


Polypterus has long been a popular species because of its unique appearance. Polypterus is classified as one of the most ancient of tropical fish. Therefore, compared to other species, the Polypterus has a somewhat historical and dignified appearance. Therefore, the presence of one in an aquarium has the power to completely change the atmosphere.Polypterus are available in several different sizes and are popular because you can choose the type that suits you best. If you are interested in polypterus, we recommend that you visit a specialty store to see for yourself.

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