Features and Care of the Translucent Glass Cat

The Translucent Glass Cat is a tropical fish of the family Cryptopteridae of the catfish order, Cryptoptera, and is native to Thailand and Malaysia in Southeast Asia. In this article, we would like to explain in detail the characteristics of the Translucent Glass Cat and how to keep it.

What is a Translucent Glass Cat?

The Translucent Glass Cat is a tropical fish in the catfish family Cryptopteridae. The glass cat originates from Thailand and Malaysia in Southeast Asia. The body color of the Translucent Glass Cat is transparent and the bones are fully visible.The reason for this distinctive appearance is that the water in the area where the Translucent Glass Cat lives is crystal clear. If their body color were flashy, they would be more likely to be spotted by enemies, so they have adapted to their surroundings, resulting in their transparent appearance. Being in the catfish family, the translucent glass cat grows two long whiskers on the tip of its lower jaw. In many specialty stores, the name "glass cat" is used as an abbreviation.

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How to keep a Translucent Glass Cat

The Translucent Glass Cat can be an easy breed to keep. The lifespan of the Translucent Glass Cat is approximately 3 to 5 years. Its body size is about 10-15 cm. However, both lifespan and body size vary depending on the environment in which they are kept and the food they are fed. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water, especially at a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Since the Translucent Glass Cat is classified as a tropical fish, it requires a heater in winter if kept in Japan.

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Points to keep in mind when mixing swimmers

Regarding mixed swimming, first of all, the character of the Translucent Glass Cat is mild-mannered. Therefore, if the breed with which they are mixed is territorial or aggressive, the Transparent Glass Cat may be beaten up, resulting in injury or even illness due to stress.Recommended species for mixing with the Translucent Glass Cat are small fish such as Neon Tetras, Carassines, and red fins. When mixing Transparent Glass Cat with medium-sized tropical fish, please make sure to create a hiding place for it by adding aquatic plants to prevent it from being chased and injuring itself.

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Points about spawning

Many people who keep Transluent Glasscats want to breed them. It is very difficult to distinguish between male and female Translucent Glasscats. In addition, the habitat of the Translucent Glass Cat is an environment where a large amount of rainwater flows in during the rainy season, and the water quality keeps changing greatly. This can be difficult to reproduce in an aquarium.

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What to look for when keeping a Translucent Glass Cat

The Translucent Glass Cat is recommended for its ease of keeping and mixed swimming. It is especially recommended for beginners and those who are not very familiar with tropical fish. In addition, when keeping a variety of species, the overall appearance of the fish may lose its tightness. In such cases, we recommend the Translucent Glass Cat. The Translucent Glass Cat is transparent and has features not found in other species, but it does not have flashy colors or patterns, so the good thing is that it does not stand out in a strange way.It can also be used as an accent in an aquarium, making it a type that can be recommended for everyone. These days, they are often very useful for aquariums. If you are interested in Transparent Glass Cat, we recommend that you take a look at it at a specialty store.

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