Characteristics of the Cardinal Tetra and how to keep it

The cardinal tetra is a tropical fish of the family Carassinae of the order Carassinae that lives in the Negro and Amazon rivers in South America. It is a beautiful fish with a blue glow from its head to its tail fin. In this article, we would like to explain in detail the characteristics of the Cardinal Tetra and how to keep it.

What is a Cardinal Tetra?


The Cardinal Tetra is a tropical fish of the family Carassineidae of the order Carassine that lives in the Negro and Amazon Rivers of South America. It has been a popular species for a long time. Because of this, it is a tropical fish that is handled by many specialty stores. The Cardinal Tetra is characterized by a blue glow from its head to its caudal fin.And the area under the blue light also glows red. The blue-glowing part glows metallic blue. Some specialty stores sell this tetra under the name "Short-Line Cardinal Tetra. This is a mutation with shorter blue lines than the regular Cardinal Tetra, but there is often little difference between it and the regular Cardinal Tetra when it comes to individuals for sale.

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Points to keep in mind when mixing swimmers


Regarding swimming, first of all, the Cardinal Tetra is a docile breed. Therefore, when you keep Cardinal Tetras, you will see them swimming in groups compared to other ornamental fish.Cardinal tetras swim in groups for defense by making them look like larger fish by swimming in groups and for measures to ensure the survival of as many fish as possible if they are attacked. Among freshwater ornamental fish, there are not many varieties that swim in groups, so we recommend them to those who want to see them swimming in groups. They are also docile and unlikely to harm other fish. On the other hand, if the species you wish to mix with your Cardinal Tetras is a species that is territorial or otherwise harmful to other fish, it will be the first to be attacked.

Differences from Neon Tetras

Cardinal tetras are one of the most popular tropical fish breeds. Therefore, there are many opportunities to see them at specialty stores. At that time, you may find "Neon Tetras" of the same calacin family for sale near the Cardinal Tetras. Many people are confused by the appearance of this Neon Tetra because of its similarity to the Cardinal Tetra.The main difference between the Cardinal Tetra and the Neon Tetra is the amount of red area occupied by the body. Cardinal tetras have more red areas than neon tetras.The large number of red areas allows the blue and red areas to be clearly distinguished and the colors to come out beautifully. However, since Cardinal Tetras are generally more expensive than Neon Tetras, it is up to the individual to decide whether the price difference is enough to make up for the difference in attractiveness.

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Points about spawning

Many people who keep Cardinal Tetras want to breed them. Cardinal tetras are easy to keep, but breeding them is a little more difficult. However, it is possible to increase the number of Cardinal Tetras in a stable manner if you know the procedure well.
The first is to keep individuals that are suitable for breeding.Cardinal tetras have a lifespan of about two years, so the time until they are ready to breed is short, roughly four to six months after birth. Therefore, if you want to breed them, it is important to choose relatively young tetras when purchasing them at specialty stores. However, it is difficult to distinguish between young and old, so it is safe to choose a small body size when purchasing. A large-bodied individual may have been born a year or so ago, so choose an individual with as small a body size as possible. However, it is important to note that if an individual has eggs in its belly, it is also a good choice. If you have eggs in your stomach, you can skip some steps, so if you have eggs in your stomach, I recommend you to choose them.
The second thing to do is to prepare a breeding tank.As those who have bred killifish may know, if the parents (adults) and fry (young) are kept in the same tank after successful spawning and hatching, they may compete for food or the adults may eat the fry, resulting in a decrease in the number of fry. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that the parents and fry be kept in separate aquariums for easier management. Unlike killifish, however, cardinal tetras are tropical fish and require a heater during non-summer months. If you are not sure whether or not to purchase a heater for the tank in which you will keep the fry, you may be able to find equipment at specialty stores that allows you to borrow part of the tank in which you are keeping the parents to make space for the fry.
Third, when rearing fry after hatching, do not allow strong light to continually illuminate the aquarium by constantly turning on lights, etc.Cardinal tetras originally lived in the murky waters of the Amazon River. Therefore, such an environment is not one that allows for constant strong light. Therefore, when rearing fry, it is important to avoid an environment that is constantly exposed to strong light as much as possible. For example, you can reduce the use of LED or metahara lights, or add water plants to provide shade. Adult neon tetras can tolerate a certain amount of light, but juvenile neon tetras are not as tolerant as adult neon tetras, so please take measures as soon as possible.

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What to look for when keeping a Cardinal Tetra


Cardinal tetras are a popular breed of tropical fish because they are easy to keep and relatively easy to obtain. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners and those who are keeping tropical fish for the first time. However, a single Cardinal Tetra has less impact than other tropical fish.For this reason, it is recommended that you keep several of them together. The Cardinal Tetras' greatest appeal is their ability to swim in groups. Even in a small aquarium, they will feel satisfied by swimming in a group. When kept in a large aquarium, it is fun to see them swimming in a group with other tropical fish, because it is rare to see other tropical fish swimming in a group and avoiding them. Cardinal tetras are often compared to neon tetras, and although they are inferior to neon tetras in price and other aspects, cardinal tetras have more beautiful colors than neon tetras. If you are tired of Neon Tetras, we recommend you to take a look if you have a chance to see them at a specialty store.

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