Swordtail Characteristics and How to Keep Them

Swordtails are tropical fish of the Xiphophorus genus of the Caddisfly family, Caddisflies, and are native to Mexico in North America. Some species have body colors of red or red and white all over, and the white parts are transparent, a characteristic of albinos. In this article, I would like to explain in detail the characteristics of the swordtail and how to keep it.

What is a Swordtail?

The Swordtail is a tropical fish in the family Xiphophoridae of the order Caddisflies. The Swordtail originates from the United Mexican States in North America.Swordtails come in a variety of body colors, including red all over (red swordtail) and a species that has red and white with the white parts being transparent, a characteristic of albinos (ruby-eyed red and white swordtail). Swordtails are named after their long, sword-like tail fins.

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How to keep a Swordtail

Swordtails can be an easy breed to keep. The lifespan of a Swordtail is about 2~3 years. Its body size is approximately 7~8 cm. However, both lifespan and body size vary depending on the environment in which they are kept and the food they are fed. They prefer slightly alkaline to neutral water (especially soft water), and especially prefer a pH of 7.0 to 8.0. Swordtails are classified as tropical fish, so if you keep them in Japan, they will need a heater in winter.

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Points to keep in mind when mixing swimmers

Regarding mixed swimming, first of all, swordtails have a mild temperament. Therefore, if the breed with which they are mixed is territorial or aggressive, the swordtails may be beaten up, resulting in injury or even illness due to stress.Recommended species for mixing with swordtails are small fish such as neon tetras and other calasins and red fins. However, be aware that they can become temperamental during the breeding season. When their temperaments become rough, they may chase other species that are mixed with them, which may cause injury to the other species. Therefore, please take measures such as creating a hiding place for them by adding aquatic plants.

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Points about spawning

Many people who keep swordtails want to breed them. In breeding swordtails, it is necessary to distinguish males and females, but swordtails are a female-to-male sex-changing breed. Often, if you keep them in an aquarium with only females, one of the females will turn into a male. In rare cases, it is also possible for a male to change sex into a female. Male swordtails are characterized by the extension of the lower part of their tail fins. In comparison, females do not have a long lower part of the tail fin at all. Therefore, when a female changes sex to a male, you can tell by looking at the lower part of the tail fin.Swordtails, like guppies, are ovoviviparous. The egg-laying process is similar to that of killifish, in that the eggs are not laid in water plants and then hatch into fry, but rather the eggs hatch in the female's body and the fry are born. Therefore, they do not require spawning beds or water plants, which are generally necessary for spawning. Therefore, breeding swordtails is said to be easy. However, there are drawbacks to oviparous breeding as well. Since the eggs are hatched inside the female's body, it is not uncommon for the adults and fry to become mixed swimmers before you know it. Although it is not a bad idea to have them swimming together, it is recommended to keep the adults and fry separately, as the fry cannot feed and are likely to be chased by the adults. As a way to keep them separate, if the female's abdomen grows large and she stays still at the bottom of the tank, or if she is actively swimming, which is very different from her normal state, place her in a tank dedicated to fry. If you keep the fry with the adults, add more plants to the tank so that the fry can escape if they are chased.

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What to look for when keeping a Swordtail

Swordtails are recommended for their ease of keeping and breeding. The greatest feature of the Swordtail is its ability to change sex from female to male. Among tropical fish, there are very few breeds that undergo sex change, so we hope you will take a look at them when you keep them.In addition, new species of swordtails are being introduced as they have become more popular in recent years. Even if you have kept swordtails in the past, we recommend that you take a look at swordtails at specialty stores. Swordtails have been one of the most popular tropical fish for a long time because of their easy-to-understand appearance. Therefore, many specialty stores carry them. If you have a chance to see a Swordtail at a specialty store, we recommend that you take a look.

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