When you buy a goldfish, you want to keep the best goldfish possible. In this article, I would like to explain some points that even a newcomer can understand among the many goldfish available.
About Water
About the color of water
In the beginner's course, I explained to watch for disease, but in the intermediate course, I will explain the color of the water this time because it is a risk hedge by squashing any possible disease in advance. Some people who are thinking about purchasing goldfish at specialty stores actually watch them and consider whether to buy them. If the same type of goldfish is displayed and sold in multiple aquariums, it is natural to choose the aquarium with the lowest possibility of being affected by disease. However, there is no way to compare if you do not know the point of comparison.The first thing to check is the color of the aquarium. If possible, try to avoid purchasing goldfish with white or milky-white aquariums. White or milky-white water does not have a good balance of bacteria and other organisms, so there is a greater chance of disease from pathogens.If you are concerned or are not familiar with the disease, please refrain from buying goldfish in white or milky-white aquariums.
金魚を購入する際に、できるだけいい金魚を飼いたいと思います。今回は、たくさんいる金魚の中で初めての方でも分かるポイントを説明していきたいと思います。 病気について 病気ではないか 病気にも、たくさんの種類がありますがその中[…]
金魚を購入する際に、選ぶポイントは人によって変わってきす。また、店側が表記してくれている情報にも選ぶ際のヒントがある場合があります。今回は、たくさんいる金魚の中で自分にあった金魚を選ぶポイントを説明していきたいと思います。 産[…]
Water quality may deteriorate in the keeping of goldfish and other living creatures. By noticing such changes in water quality as soon as possible, it is possible to prevent the risk of disease and other problems before they occur. When checking for changes in water quality, it is important to check the color of the water [...]
About Scratches
Goldfish wounds and injuries
When purchasing goldfish, there are a variety of goldfish to look at in specialty stores. You have to choose from among them. When choosing a goldfish, though, you have to consider the superiority of the goldfish,The first thing you should be concerned about is whether it is wounded or injured. For example, if the tail fin is bent to one side or the other, or if the goldfish does not have a good balance between the left and right sides, avoid it as much as possible.Goldfish that are not very well balanced from side to side are always under stress because their bodies are always out of balance, so the risk of disease or death is very high. However, it is not always the case that all goldfish with wounds or injuries are bad. Goldfish that have just arrived at a specialty store may come in dozens to hundreds in a bag. If the injury is only one or two pieces of scale, there is a high possibility that it will be cured, so there is little need to worry. If you can distinguish between injuries that can be healed and those that cannot be healed, you will have a better chance of finding the goldfish you want.
If you keep goldfish, they may get sick due to seasonal changes. However, barriers such as not knowing the name of the disease or how to cure it may appear. So, in this article, I would like to explain about goldfish diseases. About goldfish diseases Goldfish are a good choice for other ornamental [...].
金魚の病気の中で、一番かかる確率が高い病気が白点病です。白点病は、正しい処置の仕方を知っていると直せる確率が一気に上る病気でもあります。今回は、そんな白点病の原因と対策を詳しく説明していきたいと思います。 白点病とは 白点病[…]
金魚の尾びれが徐々になくなっていく病気である尾ぐされ病についての原因と対策について今回は説明していきたいと思います。 尾ぐされ病とは 尾ぐされ病は、病名だけを聞いたら怖い病気だと思う方が多いですが、実際は尾びれが徐々[…]
Compatibility between varieties
In the beginner's level section, we explained how to keep a variety of goldfish that are easy to keep, but in the intermediate level section, we will explain how goldfish are compatible with each other. When keeping new goldfish, there are few people who already have goldfish in the aquarium they plan to put in. In such a case, you don't want them to fight with your existing goldfish and you want them to get along well with each other. At that time, the most important thing to consider is compatibility. Compatibility is a part that can only be understood if you let them swim together.There are two parts that can be known in advance. The first part that is known in advance is the species. For example, if you mix Japanese goldfish and Ranchu goldfish, the Japanese goldfish may chase the Ranchu goldfish and weaken the Ranchu goldfish.If you know the type of goldfish you are currently keeping, you can reduce your anxiety by purchasing a goldfish that is compatible with it. If you are not sure which type of goldfish is compatible with your current goldfish, we recommend that you ask the store staff for advice.In addition to breed, you should also be aware of differences in body size. If the body sizes are too different, the larger goldfish may have difficulty eating the smaller goldfish when the larger goldfish eats the food, and if this continues, the size difference may widen further.So you should first consider how much difference there is in body size.
Many people think that goldfish are the goldfish that you see at fairs and festivals in the summer, and that there are many different kinds of goldfish. And it is no exaggeration to say that each type of goldfish has its own characteristics, and that is the best part about goldfish [...]
和金は、金魚の中でも知られている金魚の一つです。フナのような見た目をしていますが、飼い方はどのようにすれば良いのかわからない方も多いです。今回は、和金の特徴と飼い方を詳しく説明していきたいと思います。 和金とは 和金[…]
蘭鋳はオランダ獅子頭などと同じように頭に発達した肉瘤を持つ金魚なのですが、他の金魚と違い背びれがないのが特徴な金魚です。今回は、蘭鋳の特徴と飼い方を詳しく説明していきたいと思います。 蘭鋳とは 蘭鋳(ランチュウ)は、[…]