When you buy a goldfish, you want to keep the best goldfish possible. In this article, I would like to explain some points that even a newcomer can understand among the many goldfish available.
About the disease
You must be sick.
Among the many types of diseases, be especially careful of "white spot disease.White spot disease is a disease caused by changes in water temperature and other factorsSo, it is a disease that is likely to be contracted by any number of specialty stores. And,White spot disease will spread to other goldfish in the same environment, so if you bring a goldfish with white spot disease home, there is a very good chance that it will become infected.To identify white spot disease, if there are white spots on the tail fin, you may have white spot disease. Note that it is only the tail fin. If there are no white spots on the caudal fin but white spots on the head or pectoral fins, it is most likely not white spot disease. However, if you are concerned, we recommend that you do not purchase the fish if it has white spots anywhere on its body.
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Water Temperature
What is the water temperature?
This is more about water temperature, so that you don't have to worry about it when you bring it home than when you buy it. If,If there is too much difference between the water temperature the goldfish lived in before you purchased it and the water temperature after you purchase it and bring it home, it will be stressed, and its immune system will be compromised, making it very likely to get sick.To make that hardship a little less difficult.We recommend that you pay attention to the water temperature when you make your purchase. It is important to note that in some large pet stores, the inside of the store may be air conditioned or heated.At that time, the water temperature may also rise or fall in tandem. For example, when you purchase goldfish in the summer, the water temperature in the aquarium may be low in proportion to the air conditioning in the store. If the difference between the hot outside temperature and the water temperature is too great, the goldfish may become ill due to stress, so you need to be careful.
About the type
What type of goldfish is it?
When purchasing goldfish for the first time, some people may be surprised at the variety of goldfish available. Some people may be surprised at the variety of goldfish available when purchasing goldfish for the first time, and some may be confused about which goldfish to buy. For those people, we recommend choosing a goldfish that you have seen at a goldfish scooping event. There are many different types of goldfish, some of which require different environments and some of which are more susceptible to disease than others. The fun of goldfish is their diversity, but for first-timers, this diversity can be intimidating. Therefore, we recommend that you use a goldfish scooping machine, which is often used for goldfish scooping.We recommend the "Wagane" type of gold. We also recommend "comet" and "Shubunkin" as other types of Wagane. However, there is one thing you should be careful about when purchasing Wagane. Wagane grows quickly. Therefore, if you are planning to keep them in a small aquarium, or if you do not plan to replace your small aquarium with a new one, we do not recommend you to buy them.For such people, we recommend a type of goldfish such as "Ryukin". In this way, there is a possibility that the environment in which they are kept may make them unsuitable, so if you are concerned about this, we recommend that you ask when you make a purchase.
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