Cause of death by length of rearing

Goldfish can die in captivity. Knowing the cause of death, we can make the best use of it in the next step. For this reason, the length of time you keep your goldfish is important. In this article, we would like to explain the causes of death according to the period of keeping goldfish.

Cause of death of goldfish

Goldfish can die in captivity. It is not necessarily a problem that they die, as humans also die at some point, but it is good to know the cause of their death. If you are in a similar situation the next time, knowing the solution will completely change your mental state. However, if you are a first-time owner or have not had your pet for a long time, you may not know what to look for.One way to measure this is by looking at the length of time a goldfish has been in captivity from the time it was first kept until it died. In other words, it is the number of days that the person keeping the fish has kept it. By knowing this period, we can determine the main cause of death.If we know the cause of death, we will inevitably know the solution, so I will explain the cause of death by period and the solution.

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Longevity Period

Before I go on to explain the causes of death by time period, I would like to explain the followingDo you know how long a captive goldfish generally has to live to be considered long-lived? The correct answer is said to be "two years". Of course, there are many goldfish that live longer than two years, and it is not uncommon for them to live longer than two years.However, it is important to note that this does not mean that goldfish over two years old are long-lived. The term "long-lived" here refers only to goldfish that have been purchased from a specialty store, etc. and have been allowed to live for more than two years by their keepers. For example, if you buy a two-year-old goldfish, it will be considered long-lived when it reaches the age of four. The reason why two years is the line of longevity is that goldfish tend to get sick more often than other ornamental fish. Also, the two-year period is a borderline because two years is a period of time when you can be somewhat assured that the fish has been around for more than two seasons.However, living for more than two years does not mean that the goldfish will soon die, but rather it is a sign that it is safe to keep it alive for more than two years. Goldfish themselves can live for more than 10 years, so you can rest assured that 2 years is not necessarily the end of their life span.

Cause of death in a short period of time

0-7 days

If a goldfish dies within a week of purchase from a specialty store or other source, one possibility is that it was weakened when it was purchased. For example, there are several causes, such as just before the disease was cured or when the fish was slow to respond to changes in temperature, but if you bring home a weakened goldfish, it will often die because it cannot tolerate the changing environmental conditions. The first step to take is to avoid purchasing a weakened goldfish. To this end, if you find a goldfish you like when you purchase it, take a look at it and make sure it is not dizzy, extremely thin, or swimming in an uncomfortable manner.If you are unsure, one way to find out is to ask the clerk. Also, please refrain from purchasing sick goldfish unless there is a special reason. In particular, be careful of diseases such as "white spot disease" and "tail wilt disease. If you purchase a goldfish without knowing it, there is a high possibility that the disease will be transferred to your goldfish after you bring it home.

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7 to 30 days

If the fish dies within a week to a month, it is more likely that the cause is on the part of the keeper, such as unsuitable water quality or overfeeding. For example, if the fish was swimming well when you brought it home but gradually lost its energy, this may be the case. In this case, the only thing to do is to eliminate the problems one by one. In the case of water quality mismatch, this may be caused by neglecting the water adjustment that should be done immediately after bringing the pet home, so it is important to make sure that the water is adjusted properly and in the correct way.If you are feeding your goldfish too much, simply feeding them an amount that they will not leave behind can make a big difference. If you are unsure or worried about whether you are feeding too much or not, you can simply feed only the amount that you can see the goldfish finish eating. If the problem is caused by the keeper, there is no solution unless the keeper himself improves the situation, so if you are worried, you can ask the staff at the specialty store where you purchased the goldfish if your method is correct.

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Cause of death in the mid-term

1-12 months

If you have died in the period from 1 to 12 months, you will have seasonal problems. Since Japan has four seasons, there are different problems to be aware of in each season.For example, summer is the season when temperatures are higher, which in turn raises the water temperature. When the water temperature is high, goldfish become more active, which in turn increases their appetite and the amount of food they eat. If you feed your goldfish in large quantities because they will eat, and if you do not notice the deterioration of water quality caused by leftovers and feces until it is too late, they may die from disease or indigestion. As described above, the problems that may occur vary depending on the season, so please take measures according to the season in which you are keeping your pet.

Cause of death in the long term

1-2 years

If a goldfish dies within a period of one to two years, it is more likely to be caused by other goldfish introduced during the above period, such as the transfer of a disease that a newly introduced goldfish or other fish had contracted. As long as the water quality and breeding environment have not changed significantly, the risk of health problems will gradually decrease, and you can simply continue with what you have been doing so far.If you are moving your goldfish to a larger aquarium, it makes a big difference if you put them in a plastic bag with the water from the aquarium they have been living in and let the bag float for a while before putting them in. However, unlike when you bring your goldfish home from a specialty store, they will not be able to float for a long period of time because they have not been injected with oxygen. If possible, you can buy an oxygen can for sports use from a sporting goods store or other such place.

2 years ~

If the goldfish has died after two years or more, the same causes as above can be assumed. If you are able to keep your goldfish for more than 5 years, you should be careful when you bring in a new goldfish or change its environment, because it is not always due to disease. And, if you have more than 5 goldfish, you can't say that they have a disease,One of the reasons why goldfish that have been kept for a long time die is that their keepers have been keeping them in a way that is generally wrong, and when people point this out to them, they become anxious and change the way they keep them, and the goldfish can no longer cope and die. If the goldfish has lived for more than two years, it means that the method was the best for the goldfish, even if it was generally wrong.

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