waterpipe politics

  • December 14, 2022

Features and Care of Scale Light Medaka

Scale-light killifish are killifish with each scale having an external light and a special tail fin called a drooping long fin. Scale-light killifish have the characteristics of a scaly pedigree, long fins, and a round light. The scales of the scaled light killifish are characterized by a glittering light and the edges of the scales are well marked [...].

  • November 30, 2022

Characteristics of female medaka and how to keep them

Female killifish (mebina medaka) have black and orange body colors with translucent scales. The lame medaka has a characteristic orange color that is a darker shade of vermilion red, a color described by the name "persimmon color. The yellow and black body colors give a very different impression depending on the coloration and intensity [...].

  • November 23, 2022

Characteristics of the night-blooming killifish and how to keep them

The Yozakura killifish has yellow and black body colors with lame and translucent scales. The yellow and black body coloration makes it a distinctive variety that gives a very different impression depending on its coloration and intensity. Therefore, this killifish has "translucent phosphorus" lacking rainbow chromatophores and "lame" expressing rainbow chromatophores. This time [...].
