dharmata (dharma body)

  • October 26, 2022

Characteristics and How to Keep the Seruffin Medaka

The Seruffin killifish is a killifish with two separate dorsal fins. The cellufin killifish is a species that has two dorsal fins due to the lack of either a fin membrane or a soft stripe on the dorsal fin. Some killifish have two dorsal fins, while others have three dorsal fins [...].

  • April 15, 2020

Characteristics of Dharma killifish and how to keep them

The dharma killifish has a small number of backbones and its body length is only about two-thirds or half that of a normal killifish. Dharma killifish have become more popular in recent years. In this article, I would like to explain in detail the characteristics of the Dharma killifish and how to keep it. Dharma [...].
