With or without aeration and precautions

Aeration refers to the use of an air pump or similar device to maintain oxygen levels in the water. By maintaining oxygen levels in the water, the risk of oxygen deprivation can be reduced. In this issue, we will explain the necessity and precautions of aeration.

What is aeration?

Aeration refers to the use of an air pump or similar device to maintain oxygen levels in the water. By maintaining the oxygen level in the water, the risk of oxygen deprivation can be reduced. Goldfish need oxygen just as we humans need oxygen. If the oxygen level becomes low, goldfish will die, so it is important to do something about it.For example, one of the countermeasures is to add aquatic plants. However, if a large number of goldfish are placed in a single tank, the amount of oxygen generated by photosynthesis of the aquatic plants will not be sufficient. Also, plants such as aquatic plants breathe once the sun goes down, just like living creatures, so you need to be careful about using oxygen. Therefore, when keeping a large number of goldfish in one place, it is important to supply them with air using an air pump or similar device.

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About Acid Depletion

Confirmation of acidity

If the oxygen level in the water is low, there is a risk of oxygen deprivation.As they become acidic, they will surface above the water for air. If a goldfish opens its mouth above the water when it is not feeding time or any other time, be careful. Also, be careful if the gills are wide open. In this case, please take the measures described in the following section.*Please note that symptoms of open gills can also appear as a symptom of illness, in addition to lack of oxygen.
The lack of oxygen may also affect the bacteria living in the water. When this happens, the odor of the water becomes progressively worse. This causes a bad odor. In the case of aquariums, the bacteria die off in large numbers, and the water may not be able to process oil and other contaminants, causing oil to come to the surface. It is very important to recognize the problem and take corrective measures as soon as possible, because it is often too late.

Measures to be taken in case of oxygen deprivation

If your goldfish shows any of the symptoms described in the above section,Please consider improving the current environment by changing the water as soon as possible. If you do not have an air pump or other equipment, go out and buy one.If you are currently using an air pump, it is possible that the amount of oxygen produced by the air pump is not sufficient to meet the goldfish's oxygen needs, so either reduce the number of goldfish (move them to a different container) or increase the size of the air pump. If symptoms of oxygen deprivation occur, it may be a matter of time before the problem is resolved, so please take action as soon as possible.

Causes of Oxygen deprivation

There are several factors that can cause acidosis.First, keeping a large number of goldfish or other creatures in one place (overcrowding) reduces the amount of oxygen per fish, which can lead to oxygen deficiency. In a river, fresh oxygen is always dissolved in the water due to the flow of water from upstream to downstream, but in an aquarium, there is not much flow of water, so the flow of oxygen is reduced. Third, as I mentioned earlier, the lack of water flow causes an imbalance in oxygen concentration.If the water does not move at all, there may be areas of high oxygen and areas of low oxygen. When this happens, even if the overall amount of oxygen is sufficient, there may be areas where there is not enough in some places. This is why people with external filters and other settings are less likely to experience lack of oxygen because of the constant flow of water. By using an external or external filter, the situation is always in balance because the flow of water is naturally created.

Points to keep in mind when using aeration

Aeration is very important for keeping goldfish and other fish,If you are concerned about the noise caused by the use of an air pump, it is important to find a method that suits your needs.If you endure too much strain, it will cause you to become disenchanted with keeping goldfish and other aquatic organisms, so please take measures to avoid strain. Also, if you do not like the idea of reducing the number of goldfish in the aquarium by installing an air pump or other equipment, you can use an external filter or upper filter to keep the inside of the aquarium looking clear and to ensure oxygenation. Please try to take measures to prevent lack of oxygen to a reasonable extent.

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