Characteristics and growing Willow Moss

Willow Moss is a general term for aquatic mosses. Willow Moss has the characteristic of being active on driftwood, rocks, etc. without having roots. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Amazon Sword and how to grow it.

What is Willow Moss?

Willow moss is a general term for aquatic mosses.In terms of detailed species, they include "Kurokawa Moss," which can be found in the wild in Japan (please do not collect any naturally occurring material, as it is designated on the Red List as an endangered species), and "Mizukaraha Moss," which is native to Southeast Asia. The most common species commonly seen in specialty stores are "Java Moss" and "Flame Moss.Willow Moss is characterized by its ability to grow on driftwood and rocks without roots. Because of its ability to attach (wrap around) driftwood, it is a preferred aquatic plant for aquarium hobbyists.By growing Willow Moss on driftwood, it gives the impression that a little time has passed, so if you can use Willow Moss well, you can instantly create an advanced environment.

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How to grow Willow Moss

As mentioned above, Willow Moss is an aquatic plant that has no roots, so it is often grown on driftwood or rocks. It is easy to grow Willow Moss by simply wrapping it around a piece of driftwood or a rock, and it will wrap itself around the rock. Also,Willow Moss is one of the easiest water plants to keep. It prefers a water temperature of around 20-28℃. The water quality should be mildly acidic to neutral. It is better to keep Willow Moss in a place where it is exposed to sunlight for 2 to 3 hours to promote its growth and stabilize its coloration.And in winter, when the water temperature drops below 10°C, they begin to die, so it is safe to have them choose a location where the water temperature is above 10°C as much as possible.

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Willow Moss Care

Even if the tips of Willow Moss are beautiful as it grows and becomes voluminous, it will die if it is not exposed to enough light due to its high density in the back part.The care should be done while the willow moss is still attached to driftwood, etc., and not while it is being stripped off. Basically, cut off the growing part. Some people tear it off by hand, but it does not look very pretty afterwards, so please use scissors to cut it off. Use scissors to cut a 2 to 3 mm section of the active part. At this time, please cut it so that it is close to the direction you want it to grow or the state you have in mind. As a precaution, do not cut it too short, as cutting it too short may cause it to wither and die. After cutting, rinse the fish lightly before returning it to the aquarium.

How to increase Willow Moss

To increase the amount of Willow Moss, place a relatively new section of the plant in a separate container in a well-lit area to encourage photosynthesis, so that it grows quickly and becomes a single clump.When you want to increase the number of plants again, you can do so in the same way, and you will be able to increase the number of plants more and more. Since it is easy to increase the number of Willow Moss, some people replace old Willow Moss with new Willow Moss and make new replacements frequently, so it is a good idea to give it a try.

Creatures and Willow Moss

Willow Moss is a recommended water plant for beginners, especially for those who keep living creatures. Willow Moss is often used as a spawning plant for killifish. Willow Moss is also used as a hiding place for small fish such as killifish because of the space between the leaves. For goldfish, Willow Moss can be used as a food source, and its soft leaves are useful as a food substitute. Because of this, Willow Moss can be used as a food source for goldfish and other small fish.Willow moss can be used as bait and as a spawning bed for eggs, so a single piece of willow moss can serve several purposes.Therefore, if you are not sure which kind of water plants to add, or if you have several kinds of water plants and are looking for a different kind of water plant, this is the water plant for you.

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