Licia is one of the floating plants belonging to the family of the Zeniophyceae, the family of the Bryophyceae. It is originally grown to float like a floating plant, but in aquariums, it is often grown underwater. It is also known as "deer horn moss" because it grows in a Y-shape like a deer's horn. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Licia and how to grow them.
What is Licia?
Licia is a floating plant that belongs to the family of the mosses, family Coccolithaceae. It is usually kept floating like a floating plant, but in aquariums, it is often grown underwater. Licia can be rooted and submerged by attaching them to a stone or driftwood called a lithia stone with sewing thread. The main reason for keeping them underwater is that they can create beautiful air bubbles.The bubbles generated by lights and other light sources reflect and sparkle. Licia has another name, "deer antler moss," because it grows in a Y shape like a deer's antlers, and some specialty stores use these names.
アナカリスは、被子植物門トチカガミ科の沈水植物の一つです。店頭などでは、和名の「オオカナダモ」の名で販売されていることもあります。今回は、アナカリスの特徴と育て方について説明していきます。 アナカリスとは アナカリス[…]
Cabomba is one of the submerged plants of the Hagoromoidea family of the phylum Coccolithophyta. In some stores and other places, it is sold under the name "Camomba" in addition to Cabomba. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of cabomba and how to grow it. What is Cabomba? Cabomba [...].
Pine needles are one of the submerged plants of the family Pineaceae of the phylum Angiospermae. Pine needles are characterized by being stiff and thread thin like pine needles. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Matsumo and how to grow it. What is Pine Saplings? Pinus pinaster is a submerged plant of the family Pinaceae of the phylum Angiospermae [...].
How to Grow Licia
Licia are often kept by fixing them to stones or driftwood, as mentioned above. However, it takes about one to three weeks for them to become established. During this time, they may float or the strings that have been tied may become loose, so care is required. Licia go into floating plants that are easy to keep. They prefer a water temperature of around 20-26℃. As for water quality, mildly acidic to neutral is suitable.Regarding light intensity, it is better to have them be careful when keeping them in a place where they are exposed to sunlight for a couple of hours, as this is more important for promoting growth and stabilizing coloration. Carbon dioxide (CO2) may also be added to the lyssia to promote growth. Carbon dioxide (CO2) should be placed in a separate tank for living organisms, etc., as there is a risk of acid deprivation by adding it.
Water plants are indispensable for people who keep aquariums and ornamental fish. However, there are many aquatic plants available at specialty stores, and many people do not know what to buy. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the most popular aquatic plants that are easy to grow and have special [...]
室内は屋外に比べて外部の敵が少なく飼いやすいのですが、置く場所や水温の変化などについて屋外に比べて管理がしやすい分、管理する方の力量が問われてしまいます。今回は、室内での飼い方と注意点について説明していきます。 室内での飼い方[…]
屋外は、室内に比べて外部的な敵が多く天候の変化や生き物などにより不意に金魚が死んでしまうことがあります。ただし、原因を知って少しでも防ぐことは可能です。今回は、屋外での飼い方と注意点について説明していきます。 屋外での飼い方 […]
Caring for Licia
Licia can become voluminous as they grow, so be sure to cut them to match their height. Do not throw away the cut parts as they can grow and multiply if they are placed in another tank. Licia are well known for their tendency to be covered with moss. Therefore, please remove moss when it is attached.Note that if moss is left attached, it may not absorb light well and slow down the growth rate. If it is troublesome to remove moss, keeping "southern shrimp" or "Yamato shrimp" together will be helpful, as they will eat the moss.
The southern shrimp is native to East Asia, including Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Taiwan. It is a member of the family Ctenophoridae (decapod shrimps) and has thin black lines at regular intervals on its back. In this article, we will discuss in detail the characteristics of this shrimp and how to keep it [...].
The Yamato numaebi is a shrimp that is native to East Asia, including Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, and belongs to the family Numaebiidae of the order Shrimps (decapods), and has a transparent body with a thin red dotted line. In this article, I would like to explain in detail the characteristics and how to keep such a Yamato numaebi [...].
How to increase lithia
As a way to increase the number of lysias, you can put cut parts of lysias in a separate aquarium when caring for them, so they can grow and increase. However, if you leave them in the tank as they are, they will grow separately and it may be troublesome to collect them when you try to fix them to driftwood, etc. We recommend that you put a net in the tank so that they will naturally gather in the net and you do not need to spend time and effort on them.
Creatures and Lycia
Licia will be the recommended water plant for those who keep living creatures. It is especially suited for those who keep small fish (such as killifish). Be careful with large species, as they may eat the lyssia as food and lose it before it can be fixed.Licia can also be used as a hiding place for killifish and other small fish. Licia can be placed in the foreground and in the background of the aquarium. It can also be placed between aquatic plants to fill in gaps and make them look more beautiful. If you have several types of aquatic plants and are looking for a different type of aquatic plant, this is a good choice.
金魚のみを水槽に入れていると寂しさを感じることがあります。そんな時に簡単解決してくるのが水草になります。さまざまな種類の水草を水槽に入れることが華やかにすることができます。今回は、金魚に水草を入れる理由などを説明していきます。 […]