Amazon Sword Characteristics and Growing Methods

Amazon Sword is one of the water plants belonging to the genus Echinodorus of the family Omodidae. Its official name is Amazon Sword Plant. It is native to the Amazon River and the Pantanal Great Marsh in South America. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Amazon Sword and how to grow it.

What is Amazon Sword?

Amazon Sword is one of the water plants belonging to the genus Echinodorus of the family Omodidae. Its official name is Amazon Sword Plant. It is native to the Amazon River and the Pantanal Great Marsh in South America.The leaves of Amazon Sword grow in bunches from the roots, and the leaves are somewhat hardy. Because it is not difficult to grow, it is a suitable aquatic plant for those who have never kept aquatic plants before. Some specialty stores call it "Amazon Sword Plant" and some call it "Amazon Sword". On this site, we refer to it as "Amazon Sword.

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How to Grow Amazon Sword

Amazon Sword, as mentioned above, is an easy species for beginners to handle. It prefers a water temperature of around 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. It prefers slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water. Amazon Sword tends to prefer high light, and if kept in a low-light environment, its color may fade and its leaves may darken.On the other hand, exposure to good light improves the color and the leaves turn yellowish green, making it a very beautiful water plant. Amazon Sword is a water plant that is more affected by the environment than other water plants, so it is better to choose a place that is exposed to light as much as possible.

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Amazon Sword Care

As the Amazon Sword grows, the leaves gradually lengthen and may not look good as they approach the water's surface, so the tips should be cut to improve their appearance.However, it is recommended that you cut the tips of the leaves from the center of the leaf diagonally downward from left to right, rather than diagonally from one end to the other, to improve the appearance of the leaves. If the Amazon Sword does not get enough light, its color may deteriorate. In such a case, it is important not to give up on it, as its color may improve again with fertilizer.

How to Increase Amazon Sword

As a way to increase Amazon Sword, water plants of the Echinodorus genus, which includes Amazon Sword, increase by growing side shoots called "runners". As the runners grow, the roots grow at the same time, so when the roots are fully grown and there are 3 to 5 leaves, the runners can be cut off from the parent Amazon Sword to form a single plant.It can then be planted in the bottom bed to increase again. If the children grow too much, the parents will be disturbed by their growth, so be sure to cut them off when they reach a certain size. Also, do not repot the Amazon Sword too many times, as the roots may deteriorate and in the worst case, the plant may die.

Creatures and Amazon Sword

Amazon Sword is one of the lesser water plants that are included with the creatures. Originally, it became a popular water plant used for spawning tropical fish. However, there is nothing wrong with putting it in with living creatures, so it can be included.However, it may not be suitable for those who feed water plants that are put into living creatures. The shape of Amazon Sword may make it difficult for critters to eat, so it is a lower priority for them to eat than water plants such as Anacaris or Pine Sedge.On the other hand, if you do not want it to be eaten too much, it will be a very suitable water plant. *If the only water plant you have in your aquarium is Amazon Sword, it may eat it.

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