Anubias nana is one of the water plants belonging to the genus Anubias of the taro family. It is a type of water plant native to West Africa, and has the habit of wrapping its roots around driftwood and rocks. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Anubias nana and how to grow it.
What is Anubias Nana?
Anubias nana is one of the water plants belonging to the genus Anubias of the taro family. It is a type of water plant native to West Africa that has the habit of wrapping its roots around driftwood and rocks.It also tends to be favored by those who do aquarim and other activities because of its tendency to wrap around the body. The word "nana" in Anubias nana means "short or dwarf" in Latin, and the local people refer to Anubias as "Anubias bartheri," which is a smaller variety than Anubias bartheri. The word "Anubias" is used to refer to Anubias balteri.
アナカリスは、被子植物門トチカガミ科の沈水植物の一つです。店頭などでは、和名の「オオカナダモ」の名で販売されていることもあります。今回は、アナカリスの特徴と育て方について説明していきます。 アナカリスとは アナカリス[…]
Cabomba is one of the submerged plants of the Hagoromoidea family of the phylum Coccolithophyta. In some stores and other places, it is sold under the name "Camomba" in addition to Cabomba. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of cabomba and how to grow it. What is Cabomba? Cabomba [...].
Pine needles are one of the submerged plants of the family Pineaceae of the phylum Angiospermae. Pine needles are characterized by being stiff and thread thin like pine needles. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of Matsumo and how to grow it. What is Pine Saplings? Pinus pinaster is a submerged plant of the family Pinaceae of the phylum Angiospermae [...].
How to grow Anubias nana
Anubias nana is one of the easiest water plants to grow and suitable for beginners. It prefers a water temperature of 15-30℃. Anubias nana is a negative plant, so it will grow well even in areas with low light.The growth rate tends to be slower than that of anacaris, but it should be noted that the growth rate varies depending on the amount of light and other factors. If you want to accelerate the growth rate, you can add carbon dioxide or other substances to the tank, but you must be careful to avoid affecting the aquarium organisms in the tank.
Water plants are indispensable for people who keep aquariums and ornamental fish. However, there are many aquatic plants available at specialty stores, and many people do not know what to buy. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the most popular aquatic plants that are easy to grow and have special [...]
Caring for Anubias nana
The care of Anubias nana is,It is necessary to remove dirt and moss from the leaves. If you notice moss on the leaves, the color of the leaves will gradually darken, so be sure to take care of this as soon as possible.In addition, Anubias nana leaves may dissolve in rare instances, so be sure to remove weak specimens from the aquarium as soon as possible. Please note that the melting of the leaves may cause water quality to deteriorate and affect other organisms as well.
How to increase Anubias nana
The most common way to increase Anubias nana is by dividing the plant. When you purchase Anubias nana at a specialty store, you will find a pot attached to the base of the plant. After that, only the Anubias nana is used, and the broken or damaged ones are discarded and the remaining individuals are used to divide the plants.When using for stocking, please give priority to individuals that have "5 to 6 leaves remaining" and "leaves, stems, and roots present". Then, use a fishing line or other means to attach the rooting part to driftwood, rocks, or other objects that can be wrapped around it. Be careful not to tie the line too tightly, as this will damage the aquatic plants.
Creatures and Anubias nana
Anubias nana is a less common water plant to put in with the critters,Anubias nana is a good choice as an aquatic plant to be placed with living creatures. Anubias nana is a variety with thick leaves, so it may give up when critters try to eat its leaves.Also, goldfish are creatures whose water quality deteriorates more quickly than killifish, etc., so it is good that Anubias nana can live in such an environment without problems. If you are having trouble with water plants, or if you have added water plants that are different in appearance, etc. from Anacaris or Cabomba, this will be a recommended water plant for you.
金魚を飼っていると、水が濁れてきたりするので水換えをしなければいけません。ですが、どのような仕方で水換えをすればいいのかわからない方もいると思います。今回は、水換えの仕方や頻度について説明していきます。 水換えをする理由とは […]
Water quality may deteriorate in the keeping of goldfish and other living creatures. By noticing such changes in water quality as soon as possible, it is possible to prevent the risk of disease and other problems before they occur. When checking for changes in water quality, it is important to check the color of the water [...]