Characteristics and How to Keep the Degeme Medaka

The "deme killifish" is a killifish with both eyes protruding. The protruding eyes vary from individual to individual, with some showing the eyes sideways and others showing the eyes upward. The reason for their popularity is that killifish with protruding eyes have a funny face when seen from the front. In this article, we would like to explain in detail the characteristics of these killifish and how to keep them.

What is Degome Medaka?

The "deme killifish" is a killifish with both eyes protruding. The way the eyes protrude differs from person to person, with some individuals having eyes that protrude horizontally and others having eyes that protrude upward. The way the eyes protrude depends on the preference of the person keeping the killifish. The killifish with protruding eyes is also popular because it has a funny face when seen from the front.In recent years, there have been fewer opportunities to see them due to a decrease in their distribution volume, but they are still very popular due to their interesting appearance.

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Origin of the demerit killifish

The deme killifish was created by Mr. Ohno in 2006. It was originally born as a result of a deformation of the skull. The length from the eyes to the mouth is short, and both eyes protrude horizontally. The way the eyes protrude varies from person to person, with some individuals having eyes that protrude horizontally and others having eyes that protrude upward, making for a wide variety of enjoyment.

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Points to keep in mind when mixing swimmers

About Mixed Swimming,Some people often think that killifish can only be kept in the same species, but the real appeal of killifish is in combining them. If you are not particular about this, you can mix any kind of killifish with any other kind of killifish.However, it is best to be careful with killifish of different body types (e.g., Dharma killifish and Hirena killifish). If killifish of different body types are mixed with killifish of normal body type, problems such as inability to eat food may occur. However, there are people who mix killifish of different body types with those of normal body types, so there is no need to be concerned.However, each type of killifish, which is considered a high-end killifish, has its own distinctive appearance and shine, so it is recommended to keep them in a way that allows the enjoyment of each individual (type) rather than keeping them in many different species.

Points about spawning

The point about spawning was explained in the above section that keeping a variety of species is the best part of keeping killifish, and having various species swimming together when spawning will naturally produce killifish with the characteristics of various species. However, that is not always a good thing. For example, mixing red and white killifish can produce pink killifish, but not necessarily red or white killifish, or in the worst case, killifish with a color that is hard to describe. If you want red killifish, you should keep only red killifish because the probability of producing red killifish is much higher,I recommend that you think about what kind of killifish you want when spawning and what color and shape you want your killifish to be born, so that you will have less regret and confusion when raising them and find your own way to enjoy them.If it is just a hobby, I think you will enjoy it more if you stick to the methods that you enjoy, regardless of whether people complain about them. The following page explains the method of spawning and points to note, so please read it as well.

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Points to keep in mind when keeping killifish

The demerit killifish is a species born from a deformity of the skull (malformation of the skull). Therefore, there are some instabilities in their inheritance. For example, some killifish have eyes that do not fit into the skull and are located near the top of the head, or the back of the head is sunken or concave. It is also not uncommon to find individuals with a crooked mouth. It is possible to produce killifish that do not have a protruding eye. However, killifish need to be very careful when it comes to skeletal inheritance. This is because it is very easy to pass on to offspring. Since the demerit killifish is born with a deformed skull, there is a high probability that the offspring will have even more deformities. This is a typical example of the problem in the killifish industry of over-improving the killifish to the point where deformities are more likely to be born.Although some people often compare them to the goldfish Demekkin, Demekkin have a normal skull shape and only the eyes protrude, so deformities such as a crooked mouth are less likely to be born. If you are interested in keeping killifish, we recommend that you actually see and purchase them at a specialty store. If you purchase killifish on the Internet, please be aware that you may receive a deformed killifish with excessive deformities. Because killifish are unstable, their distribution has been decreasing in recent years. However, there are many different ways to enjoy killifish, so please do not judge them, but rather, keep them based on your own judgment and with correct information.

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