
  • May 13, 2020

Characteristics of the Cardinal Tetra and how to keep it

The cardinal tetra is a tropical fish of the family Carassinae of the order Carassinae that lives in the Negro and Amazon Rivers in South America. It is a beautiful fish with a blue glow from its head to its tail fin. In this article, we would like to explain in detail the characteristics of the Cardinal Tetra and how to keep it. What is a Cardinal Tetra? The Cardinal Tetra [...].

  • May 6, 2020

Neon Tetra Characteristics and How to Keep Them

The neon tetra is a tropical fish in the family Calacinidae, and is a beautiful fish with a blue glow from its head to its tail fin. In this article, we will explain in detail the characteristics of the Neon Tetra and how to keep it. What is the Neon Tetra? The Neon Tetra is a tropical fish that belongs to the family Calacinidae of the order Calaciniformes [...].
